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Booking now open  for Winter programmes



Join me every Friday for a self-care and relaxing art session.

Trial class, pack of 5 or 10 sessions

9:30 - 11:30 am or 1 - 3 pm

  • In person classes,

  • for adults only (+18),

  • group of 3 to 4 persons, 

  • programmes of 5 or 10 sessions,

  • all necessary material provided,

  • language: English (possibility to open a class for French speakers if enough students)

This is for you if:

  • You are a complete beginner or an occasional painter.

  • You would like to implement a regular and supportive art practice in your life but don’t know where to start.

  • You struggle to make time for art.

  • You are looking for a gentle cognitive challenge.

  • You are looking for a self-care activity.

  • You simply would like to (resume) practice weekly with a friendly local group around a cuppa.

What will I learn?

  • Each session starts with a 30-minute warm-up, a series of short drawing exercises designed to gently engage our right-brain capabilities. We will then embark on an assignment that will unfold over 2-3 sessions. Each project will delve into a specific medium and style, allowing you to explore different techniques throughout the term/year.

  • We will discuss the challenges of establishing a regular practice in our often hectic lives and strategies to overcome them.

  • If you're interested, I'll assist you in uncovering or strengthening your own visual language.

  • The class aims to provide an enjoyable art experience and a moment of relaxing meditation. We will touch on fundamental techniques such as using a grid for drawing, understanding colors, composition, negative space, creating textures and shadows, and experimenting with patterns. As the year progresses, we'll introduce additional techniques, striving for a harmonious blend of technical learning, creativity, and enjoyment!

This term programme:

term1 preview.jpg

Art for your well being 

Making time for art can be challenging, especially around a busy family life. Over the past four years, I've committed myself to perfecting the art of preserving this precious time. Art-making, often viewed as a luxury, isn't truly celebrated in our predominantly left-brained society. We tend to forget that drawing, or visual representation, is our very first form of language. It existed before spoken and written languages.


Employing colours, making marks, and drawing can stimulate parts of your brain that often lie dormant in our daily routines. It can be as simple as filling a page with a single colour, connecting with a memory, reflecting, expressing yourself, or simply setting an intention for the day. Engaging in art also has profound effects on our personal growth. It nurtures courage, allowing us to apply our creative behaviour and exploration to life's challenges. Through art, we forge new neural pathways that not only enhance our artistic skills but also support our overall cognitive well-being.


We all possess a certain receptiveness to art. Some may be highly attuned, while others less so. It's not a matter of magic; the more you practice and expose yourself to it, the more you'll reap its benefits. 
I've crafted these classes to be inclusive, invigorating, and adaptable to your proficiency and aspirations. There's no judgment or expectation of a specific outcome. It's about exploration and the journey!

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